Gamified research methods create situations in which research participants can interact in creative and imaginative ways. These methods can activate subconscious decision-making and help to explore complex topics that might be difficult to articulate verbally.
Gamified methods can also be carried out online, for example through the use of interactive video games or stories or the study of virtual worlds.
For scenarios, the researcher presents participants with particular situations and choices, for example a health emergency during pregnancy, and then asks them to explain or act out how they would react. One example is Ethnolab, a proprietary method developed by FinalMile for the Pathways project.
Card sorting
Image courtesy of Seungho L
This is a method where research participants organize information into logical groups. In open card sorting, participants generate criteria or labels that make sense to them and then order cards accordingly, while in closed sorting they work with criteria preset by the researcher.
Role play
Image courtesy of Design for Health
Role play is a method in which research participants, usually within a group, are asked to act out a role and how they might react in a given situation and thereby open up some process or relationship for group discussion.
Role play
Image courtesy of Cyber Rwanda