This resource helps articulate the benefits that design skills and mindsets can bring to global health projects through a curated set of value of design statements that connect the benefits of design to key challenges facing the global health community.
Inside you'll find design benefits classified into four themes:
8 Pages
"Design can strengthen both strategy and implementation by introducing iterative and agile processes to gather feedback and test solutions."
PDF Publication
This publication illustrates the Principles of Design and Global Health. It draws on Yale University’s Ten Principles to Strengthen Global Health, Alma Ata Declaration, Principles for Global Health Research, Standford University’s d.mindsets, IDEO’s 7 Values that Drive design and Braun’s 10 Principles of “Good Design”.
Interactive Guide
We co-created the resources available on this website in conversation with representatives from the global health community. Five types of users (or profiles) emerged that represent the different stages of a global health practitioner in his/her path towards adoption and implementation of design in his/her work. Which of the profiles do you fit into?